Since the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy has been implemented so far, it has gradually come to life, forming the habit of economical and efficient use of energy in all activities of society; reduce energy intensity in economic sectors. However, the industrial manufacturing sector is still considered the subject of efforts to implement more energy-saving activities. Data from the Ministry of Industry and Trade shows that energy consumption in industry is still accounting for more than 47% of total national energy consumption. Meanwhile, the technical potential to save energy in the industrial sector in Vietnam ranges from 20-30%, even in areas up to 40%. Therefore, energy saving becomes even more urgent in the context that primary energy sources currently do not meet the energy needs of the economy, especially when Vietnam has to import coal for electricity generation and will LPG import from 2023.
According to the Department of Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development (Ministry of Industry and Trade), in the period of 2011-2015, Vietnam has saved 5-8% of the total energy consumption. In particular, the energy intensity of industrial production, high energy consumption decreased in the period 2011-2015 such as steel industry (down 8.09%); cement industry (down 6.33%); textile industry (down 7.32%). Mr. Trinh Quoc Vu, Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Sustainable Development (Ministry of Industry and Trade) said, according to the scenario of the National Program on economical and efficient use of energy in the period 2019-2030, By 2030, Vietnam will strive to reduce the average energy consumption in industry and steel industry by 5-16.5%; chemicals more than 10%; cement nearly 11%; plastic from 21.55 – 24.81% compared to the period 2015-2018. For industrial zones and clusters, 70-90% of businesses will have access to and apply energy-saving solutions.
Mr. Hoang Quoc Vuong, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said that a huge challenge was posed to Vietnam’s energy industry, when Vietnam’s total electricity capacity was only about 54,000 MW. To meet the demand of 60,000MW of electricity by 2020 and about 130,000MW by 2030, the economical and efficient use of energy will play an important role in ensuring electricity supply.
“Although the growth rate of electricity demand in the near future will be much lower than before, it will be about 8.5% in the period 2021-2025 and about 7.5% in the period 2026-2030 (while there are Previously, the growth rate was over 12% / year; the average growth rate was 11% during the period of 2016-2020, but the demand for electricity for production and living was still very high ”- Deputy Minister Hoang Quoc Vuong said.
New technology helps solve problems to improve energy-saving performance
Experts said that in order to further improve energy efficiency in industries, in addition to forming energy-saving habits, new technology solutions also need to be applied to improve energy-saving performance, repel old technologies.
Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Science and Technology for Economical and Efficient Use of Energy – Mr. Do Huu Hao proposed that the State should devise specific activities to support enterprises investing in energy use solutions. to save energy and efficiency in the direction of changing chains and outdated technologies with advanced technology lines with high energy efficiency; develop minimum energy efficiency standards and standards for energy-efficient, low-power devices.
According to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Tran Dinh Thien, former Director of Vietnam Economic Institute, comparing Vietnam’s energy consumption with the world average, the electricity consumption is only about 60%, but strategically. , the issue of sustainable use and energy efficiency is of particular concern.
. Hơn nữa, trong thời gian tới, nhiều nhà đầu tư dịch chuyển sang Việt Nam do thương chiến Mỹ – Trung, rất dễ có thể gây ra bùng nổ đầu tư “công nghệ cũ – tốn năng lượng”. Vì thế, Việt Nam cần có cách tiếp cận mới về sử dụng năng lượng cũng như điều chỉnh chiến lược phát triển năng lượng cả từ phía cầu sử dụng.
Được biết, mục tiêu của Bộ Công Thương đến năm 2025 phấn đấu 100% cơ sở tiêu thụ năng lượng trọng điểm áp dụng hệ thống quản lý năng lượng; 90% các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc trung ương xây dựng và phê duyệt chương trình sử dụng năng lượng tiết kiệm và hiệu quả; phát triển hệ thống mạng lưới các đơn vị tiết kiệm năng lượng tại ít nhất 50 tỉnh, thành phố và xây dựng 1 trung tâm dữ liệu năng lượng Việt Nam.
. Moreover, in the coming time, many investors are moving to Vietnam due to the US-China trade war, which can easily cause an explosion of “old technology – energy-consuming” investment. Therefore, Vietnam needs a new approach on energy use as well as adjusting the energy development strategy both from the demand side.
It is known that the goal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade by 2025 is to strive for 100% of key energy consumers to apply the energy management system; 90% of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government formulate and approve the programs on economical and efficient use of energy; developing a network of energy-saving units in at least 50 provinces and cities and building an energy data center in Vietnam